M.Sc. (Ag.) in Horticulture (Fruit Science) is a two-year post-graduation course studying the improvement of wild species of fruit crops like mango, banana, papaya, grape, citrus, pineapple, sapota and custard apple, etc. Development of field, laboratory, and documentation facility for research works on fruit crops. Along with the improvement of tropical, subtropical, and temperate fruit crops and plantation crops, as well as the development of post-harvest technology and other horticulture crops, we are also aiming for the improvement and overall development of the entire horticulture field in Madhya Pradesh through the implementation of various schemes.
Duration of programme
Level of Study
Teach students current concepts in genetic improvement of fruit and environmental resources that would enhance their competence and provide them with knowledge in changing trends in fruit crops globally
Produce top-quality graduates who would excel in their fields of endeavor and impact positively on their communities
Conduct relevant basic and applied research to address problems, generally in Agriculture and specifically in fruit crops and the environment to enhance the development of the nation
Provide gender-sensitive and environmentally sound extension services in the management of fruit crops and sustainable agricultural production
B.Sc. in (Agriculture/Horticulture), or any other relevant equivalent degree