Under the aegis of Faculty of Humanities and Liberal Arts at Rabindranath Tagore University offers One year B.Lib (Bachelor of Library Science). This undergraduate programme is designed to give students an understanding of the philosophy of library science, its basic principles, laws as well as social impact. Library Science is basically a field of study that teaches how to manage books and other materials in a library. Our vision is to educate individuals for career as Librarians, Library Information Officers, Archivists, Information Scientist and Knowledge Managers. The students are trained to undertake instruction, research and service-oriented programmes that require current emerging information technological developments and market requirements. Currently B.Lib (Bachelor of Library Science) is basically a one-year duration course pursued by students who wish to build their careers in the field of library science.
Duration of programme
Level of Study
Major: A major is the subject that’s the main focus of your degree .
Minor: A minor is a secondary subject that complements your major.
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC): Courses improve communication, language, and personality skills.
Skill Enhancement Skill ( SEC): SEC courses enhance major subject skills.
B.Lib (Bachelor of Library Science) Admission Eligibility
Bachelor in any discipline from a recognised Insti...